Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Teeth Whitening Treatment - Enhance your Overall Oral Health

The enamel or the layer underneath- called dentin, can get discoloured or stained. There are varied reasons for intrinsic and extrinsic tooth discoloration, some of which can be controlled while some cannot.

The contributing factors of teeth staining or discoloration include intake of teeth-staining foods and beverages, smoking or chewing tobacco, high fluoride intake during childhood, dental trauma, ageing, and side effects of certain medications. Thankfully, dental stains and discolorations can be eliminated with the help of Teeth Whitening Treatment in Gurgaon performed by expert dental professionals at AK Global Dent.


What is Teeth Whitening Treatment?


Teeth whitening is a dental service to get rid of stains and discolorations on the surface of natural teeth and restore their original shade. It is a mostly widely adopted, one-visit procedure performed by a trained dental professional to help people achieve dazzling smiles. It can be a game-changer for one’s smile and general health.   


What Happens in Teeth Whitening Treatment?


Firstly, the dentist in charge of performing the procedure clicks pictures of the patient’s smile at different angles. These images are kept in the patient’s dental records to be later compared with treatment outcomes and know the progress of the treatment. They are also referred to examine every tooth and spot the stains or discolorations.


After figuring out the stains or discolorations, the dentist cleans the teeth. The coating of the tooth’s enamel with a film of food consumed or other substances is removed. The teeth whitening process starts just after cleaning is over. It lasts for 30-90 minutes, depending on how severe stains or discoloration is on the tooth surface.


The teeth whitening procedure performed at AK Global Dent, Best Dental Clinic in Gurgaon

commences with covering the gums or fleshy mouth parts with a rubber dam to safeguard them from any damage caused by dental bleaches. Next, the dentist applies a teeth whitening agent (mostly hydrogen peroxide) and illuminates the teeth with high-intensity light like LED, halogen, or UV with the help of a laser device or lamp. The use of light helps activate the dental bleach to work effectively. Afterwards, the mouth is rinsed and fluoride is applied to strengthen enamel and prevent any sensitivity of the teeth.  


For badly stained or discoloured teeth, the dental professional may suggest continuing with teeth whitening treatment for a few days at home using customised teeth whitening kits. If the patient requires at-home teeth whitening treatment by a dental professional, then an impression of the patient’s teeth is taken to build a custom-fit mouthpiece containing dental bleach such as carbamide peroxide. When the patient instals a mouthpiece in his/her mouth, the teeth whitening agent remains strongly bonded to the teeth surface. In case, there is mild to moderate staining, the patient can use teeth whitening products in the form of toothpastes, strips, and others available at the drugstore.    


Benefits of Teeth Whitening Treatment


  • Enhanced appearance- Stains and discolorations on the surface of teeth can make an individual appear older and less vibrant. Teeth whitening treatment can considerably enhance the smile appearance and overall looks of an individual. An individual would look youthful and refreshed. With a brighter smile, an individual would leave a long-lasting impression on others, thereby improving both personal and professional life.

  • Boost in self-esteem and confidence- This is the most noticed and prompt positive impact of undergoing teeth whitening treatment. When an individual achieves a bright, white smile, there is a new-found confidence in them due to his/her enhanced self-image.  


  • Quick and non-invasive treatment- Unlike other cosmetic dental services that would require extensive dental work or surgeries, teeth whitening can be performed by a dentist in a single dental visit. It is a minimally invasive treatment which means there is the least interruption in the daily life of an individual and guaranteed, quick noticeable results.

  • Safe and customised procedure- As compared to over-the-counter teeth whitening products, professional teeth whitening treatment is highly customizable and safe. The dental professional ensures that the teeth whitening treatment is carried out as per the specific needs of an individual and the level of whiteness of teeth and individual wants without harming the fleshy mouthparts. With professional teeth whitening treatment, there is minimal chance of experiencing sensitivity or other side effects.

  • Indicates good oral hygiene practices- Teeth that are stained or discoloured can be associated with neglect in having a good oral hygiene routine or poor oral hygiene habits. Visibly whiter teeth showcase the commitment of an individual to maintain a healthy smile. It indicates that an individual takes pride in practising daily oral hygiene and visiting the dentist regularly. Others often perceive that an individual with a white smile has good oral health and well-being.  


  • Convenient and affordable- Teeth whitening treatment is cost-effective and convenient. An individual can get teeth whitening done by a trained dental professional to get a brighter smile.


Why Consider Professional Teeth Whitening Treatment?


Teeth Whitening Treatment in Gurgaon performed at AK Global Dent by a dental professional is a compelling choice for many people demanding for brighter, more radiant, and confident smiles. Here are the reasons why:

  • Professional teeth whitening treatment performed at the dental office is more effective and delivers long-term, optimal results as compared to at-home teeth whitening treatments.

  • Dental professionals ensure the best possible outcome for the patient’s desired level of whiteness by creating personalised dental plans that are tailored to his/her specific needs.

  • In-chair teeth whitening is performed by dental professionals in a safe and controlled environment with minimal risk of causing irritation or damage. 

  • Opting for professional teeth whitening would mean greater lightening of the patient’s teeth shade (up to 12 shades)

  • With professional teeth whitening, the patient would get the opportunity to be thoroughly assessed orally. The teeth whitening would be achieved quickly. The expertise of the dental professional and the expert guidance and monitoring all have a major role in treatment outcomes. 


Do you have teeth stains or discolorations? If you feel teeth whitening treatment by dental professionals can benefit you, contact at AK Global Dent to seek and further discuss the procedure. As happiness begins with a smile, we will assist you in receiving your dream smile at a pocket-friendly price. Book your appointment today to transform your smile appearance and experience the benefits of teeth whitening.  

Friday, October 6, 2023

Informative Guide on Best Tooth Loss Saving Treatments

Are you facing any dental concerns that make you worried about losing one or more teeth? Many people do worry the same! Missing one or more teeth is more common nowadays. It can be an outcome of tooth decay, gum disease, accidental injury, or an underlying disease/condition like diabetes, hypertension, and arthritis. The good news is that there are dental services that can deal with dental issues and save your natural tee th from falling out.


This blog covers the best tooth loss saving treatments like Best Root Canal Treatment in Gurgaon with the information shared by a dentist at AK Global Dent and even throws some light on the prevention of tooth loss and benefits of keeping natural teeth intact.


Importance of Safeguarding and Keeping Natural Teeth


Losing a tooth won’t just affect smile aesthetics but oral health too. Missing tooth or teeth can have some serious consequences such as tooth decay and gum disease, shifting of adjacent teeth, compromised teeth functioning, and jawbone deterioration. That’s why it is important to save a natural tooth from loss or replace the lost tooth with best restoration as soon as possible.


Keeping natural teeth intact would mean no interference in daily life. An individual would not have any food restrictions and would eat their favourite food items, whenever wanted. With a complete smile and no aesthetic/oral hygiene issues, an individual will be more confident in the way he/she smiles or speaks. Keeping real teeth would ensure good oral health- a reduced chance of developing gum disease, tooth decay, or any other health conditions.  


Understanding the Prevention of Tooth Loss


Losing a tooth due to a mouth injury is an unforeseen situation that is unpreventable. Tooth loss caused by diseases or conditions can be avoided by their timely, effective treatment.

The two major causes of tooth loss: severe gum disease and tooth decay, are controllable. Preventing tooth loss from gum disease and decay is possible by just adopting a good oral hygiene routine. A good oral hygiene routine involves:


  • Twice a day, brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste for 2 minutes in a gentle, circular motion

  • Daily flossing of teeth after meals or at night at least once

  • No skipping on regular dental exams and cleanings

  • Smoking cessation

  • Maintaining a healthy diet and limiting intake of sugar-loaded or acidic beverages.


Some Treatment Options To Save Teeth


If experiencing dental problems that ultimately cause tooth loss, dentists may recommend treatments to save the tooth. You may be recommended for:


  • Osseous surgery- Also known as pocket reduction surgery, is a beneficial treatment for advanced periodontitis.


  • LANAP (Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure)- It is a high-end, minimally invasive laser treatment performed to promote regeneration of healthy gum tissues. It is an advanced treatment of periodontitis, an alternative to the resection method.


  • Bone grafting- This is a surgery done to stimulate jawbone growth and provide enough healthy jawbone for the stable installation of dental implants. Jawbone deterioration can lead to the loosening of teeth as their roots no longer get strong support.

  • Treatment of gum recession- Receding gums can expose the teeth' roots and eventually cause them to fall. There are both surgical and non-surgical treatments available for gum recession. They include moving, rebuilding, or reshaping gums that have receded away from the teeth.

  • Scaling and root planing- This is a procedure for deep professional cleaning to treat moderate to severe gum disease. It involves the removal of the dental plaque or tartar from below the gum line.


Best Dental Service To Save Tooth From Loss: Root Canal Treatment


Root canal treatment is a procedure to save natural teeth from loss if severely infected or damaged. It is performed by a root canal specialist or endodontist. Patients will typically require a root canal when the infection has spread to the tooth’s pulp or caused serious damage to it. It is even performed to protect the tooth from infections later on in life.  


During Root Canal Treatment in Gurgaon, the endodontist carefully takes out all of the damaged or infected portion of the pulp lying inside the tooth. After decontamination of the hollow root canal, the endodontist uses tiny filing instruments to shape out the root canals and irrigation solutions/disinfectants to thoroughly clean the canals. The cleaned root canal is then filled with gutta-percha and adhesive cement is used to completely seal the canal.


Following the root canal, the tooth gets dead and becomes more fragile than earlier. A dental crown can provide added protection to the tooth.


The overall treatment will require a single dental visit. But, if there are multiple root canals, curved canals, or large infections in the tooth, one or two additional dental visits for root canals would be needed.


The Best Option to Restore a Smile if Already Lost a Tooth: The Dental Implants


There are many options to replace one or more lost teeth. Dental implants treatment performed at AK Global Dent stand out among other options in restorative dentistry. They can restore the entire structure of the lost tooth, including its roots and the crown part.


A dental implant system comprises a titanium/zirconium post (as a fake tooth root), an abutment (connector piece), and a dental crown (as a replacement tooth). If dental implants are used for multiple missing teeth, the replacement teeth can be bridges or dentures.


Dental implants offer multiple benefits, including:


  • Lifelong results

  • High durability

  • Natural-looking, aesthetic results

  • For all kinds of indications (single tooth replacement to full mouth rehabilitation)

  • Preserves jawbone health (artificial tooth roots stimulate jawbone growth)

  • Helps maintain good oral health; prevents tooth decay and gum disease. Get in touch with AK Global Dent Clinic, Best Dental implants Clinic in Gurgaon for more details.



Still Worrying About Losing Your Adult Tooth? Take Steps to Keep Your Precious Smile Intact!


Oral health issues must be treated as early as possible to ensure good general well-being. AK Global Dent feels proud to offer personalised treatments for every dental problem and budget, goals, lifestyle, and needs of patients arriving at its doorstep. Its staff is a highly experienced team of dental professionals who can help diagnose your dental issue and even recommend preventive dental care to keep your smile healthy for a lifetime.


The team provides the help you need by taking a phased approach over a long time and addressing the first of the most pressing dental problems. Focus is laid on small, less intensive dental procedures that can save existing natural teeth and jawbone and help avoid more expensive, lengthy treatments in the future.