Thursday, December 16, 2021

Which Dental Clinic is Best in Gurgaon

Dental care is very important to maintain oral and general health. Every individual must go for regular dental check-ups and professional cleaning once or twice a year as preventive care for teeth. A dentist can help check oral health, clean teeth, and tackle any oral issues.

A dental visit is necessary not only when there is toothache or pain that can’t be handled but also in various other oral situations. Some warning dental signs must not be neglected and require scheduling a dental appointment. If the dental issue is noticed in its early stage, then the patients can save both money and time. One can visit AK Global Dent, Dental Clinic in Gurgaon to get effective treatment for their oral and dental issues.

Which Dental Clinic is Best in Gurgaon

Here are some of the situations listed by the dentist that require a visit to the dentist:

  • Toothache: It is the most obvious reason that needs the attention of the dentist. The common causes of toothache include decay or cavities, swollen gums, failing restorations or fillings, a crack or fracture, and teeth grinding or clenching. If some pain is felt while chewing or biting, due to sensitivity of hot or cold drinks or foods, or there is persistent dull pain, then a dental visit must be a top priority. Teeth sensitivity is caused when the tooth enamel is worn down or damaged. The sharp pain may arise when cold or hot temperatures get in contact with exposed or unprotected internal nerves. In some cases, tooth pain often comes and goes that could be due to some underlying medical condition. In any situation, dentists can help solve the problem, alleviate pain, and prevent further damage to the teeth.
  • Swollen, red, or bleeding gums: Due to poor oral hygiene, plaque formation can occur in the sulcus area leading to inflammation. This can lead to gum disease (gingivitis and periodontitis). The swollen, bleeding, or red gums can be the result of various factors like an improper technique of brushing or flossing, medication, smoking, gum disease, or poor nutrition. A dental visit at AK Global Dent, best dental clinic in Gurgaon that can help investigate the exact cause and treat them.
  • Dry mouth: Normally, a healthy mouth is well lubricated with saliva. The saliva helps to neutralize the acids produced by bacteria after plaque formation and helps wash away the food particles from the mouth. Some people may suffer from dry mouth due to some underlying illness. A dentist can help find out the cause and suggest ways to restore the moisture in the mouth and protect the teeth. 
  • Loose or Misaligned teeth: It is important to have well-secured, properly aligned teeth otherwise the person has trouble eating and speaking. If the patient notices any shifting of teeth or widening gaps, it could be a sign of bone loss or infection. An individual might also have bite issues or any changes in the fitting of partial dentures. In all of these situations, the dentist at AK Global Dent performs the best orthodontic treatment in Gurgaon that helps one to slowly transform their smile with denture treatment.
  • Receding gums: It is a condition wherein the gums retreat to expose the tooth roots. This could be a sign of gum disease. With delicate tooth roots being exposed, there is an increased risk of having tooth decay, pain, infection, and tooth loss. A dentist can help prevent tooth loss by an early treatment that can reverse or stop the process.
  • Chipped or broken teeth: When an individual has an accident or injury to teeth, there are chances of them getting fractured or broken. Instantly, this may not hurt but it is important to have prompt treatment by a dentist to save the tooth. For a chipped and broken tooth, many tooth restoration treatments are provided by the best dentist in Gurgaon at AK Global Dent.
  • Sores and bumps in the mouth: Oral thrush or candidiasis of the mouth is characterized by white sores on the inner cheeks, tongue, mouth roof, or tonsils. These can be treated by medications prescribed by the dentist.
  • Teeth grinding: It is an involuntary condition that is medically termed bruxism. This occurs during sleep and leaves the patient with a stiff and sore jaw. Dentist in Gurgaon at AK Global Dent can help determine the pattern of this habit and based on its cause provide treatment. Mouthguards are also recommended by the doctor to avoid teeth grinding at night.
Suffering from any oral concern? Schedule a consultation with the best dental expert at AK Global Dent, Best Dental Clinic in Gurgaon.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Orthodontic Treatment Cost in Gurgaon


Health benefits of Orthodontic treatment

Teeth play a very important role in human body as they help people chew and digest food, speak clearly, keep the jawline intact, and help one achieve a confident and attractive smile. As everyone relies on teeth daily, their proper care is foremost. Some people have teeth that are not as straightforward or perfectly aligned as they would like to have. Misaligned teeth are harder to brush and floss and can lead to gradual wearing of tooth enamel that requires expensive and extensive dental procedures. Best Orthodontic Treatment Cost in Gurgaon at AK Global Dent that can help one in regaining their self-confidence by correcting their dental concerns.

What is an orthodontic treatment?

Orthodontics is one of the branches of dentistry that relates to the development of dentition and occlusion, facial growth, and prevention as well as correction of occlusion anomalies (i.e. improperly positioned teeth and jaws). There are various orthodontic appliances like braces, Invisalign, headgear, retainers, etc. (both removable and fixed) offered at AK Global Dent, dental clinic in Gurgaon that people can choose from. They all work on the same concept i.e. to apply gentle pressure on the jaws and teeth so that they can slowly realign into a better position.

An orthodontic treatment ensures that the teeth function properly and provide an aesthetically pleasing smile. It is a complex biological process that can fix the dental issue over time by making changes in the facial bones, jawbones, and soft tissues whilst the teeth take their new positions in the mouth.

Who undergoes orthodontic treatment?

One can consult an orthodontist in Gurgaon at AK Global Dent if they are suffering from the following concerns:

  • Bite problems like overbite/ buck teeth (upper jaw sticks out over the lower teeth), underbite (a bulldog appearance when the upper teeth are too far back), crossbite (when upper teeth are not slightly down in front of the lower teeth), and open bite (which leaves space between the biting surfaces of side or/and front teeth) that results in speech, bite, and chewing difficulties.

  • Teeth misalignment

  • Teeth clenching or grinding

  • Protruding teeth that are prone to injuries

  • Facial asymmetry or imbalance

  • Gaps or spaces between teeth, normally due to tooth loss

  • Crowded mouth because of excessive teeth on the dental ridge

  • Jaws that are recessed, shift, make sounds or protrude

  • Mouth breathing

  • Late or an early loss of baby teeth

  • Bad oral habits like sucking of fingers or thumb

How does health benefit from Orthodontic treatment?

Besides having a boost of self-esteem and confidence due to the aesthetic appearance of teeth, orthodontic treatment offers many health benefits. These include:

  • Reduced possibility of Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders- TMJ disorder develops when there is excessive strain on the joints of the jaws due to misaligned teeth. This results in troubled closing or opening of the mouth and may also lead to headaches, facial pain, and jaw clicking.

  • Fewer chances of having tooth decay- People who have crooked or crowded teeth have difficulty cleaning them. As teeth are not kept clean, food particles can get lodged in between the teeth which further can cause the growth of acid-producing bacteria leading to tooth decay. Orthodontics can treat such teeth and minimize the possibility of plaque formation that causes tooth decay.

  • Reduced risk of Gum disease: With straight aligned teeth, there is less possibility of plaque build-up and a decreased possibility of having sore, inflamed, or bleeding gums.

  • Proper digestion of food: After any orthodontic treatment, the ability to chew and bite any food item is considerably improved. This allows individuals to have better digestion of what they eat and get the required nutrients from the food that is important for maintaining their overall health.

  • Better oral hygiene: Orthodontic treatment can provide a lifetime improvement of dental health. As the teeth become properly aligned, oral hygiene can be made better as flossing, brushing, and rinsing becomes easy. This decreases the possibility of having dental caries or cavities and gaps in between the teeth. Oral health is promoted that acts as the window for general health.

To know more about Orthodontic Treatment Cost in Gurgaon and their benefits, pay a visit at AK Global Dent, best dental clinic in India.

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Thursday, November 25, 2021

Best Dentist in Gurgaon

 Cosmetic Dental Treatments To Improve Smile

Cosmetic dentistry aims at enhancing the smile and improving the appearance of the teeth by treating various tooth and gum concerns. Best Dental Clinic in Gurgaon. Along with oral hygiene or dental health, one also needs to maintain a beautiful-looking smile. So, any dental work that improves the appearance of teeth or gums comes under the term ‘Cosmetic Dentistry’. The treatment mainly focuses on improving dental aesthetics in color, size, shape, alignment, position, and smile appearance. 

Following are some the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatments:

1. Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening or bleaching is one of the most common and widely accepted cosmetic dental treatments which removes stains and discoloration from the teeth. The discoloration may be due to consuming tea, coffee, cola frequently, smoking cigarettes and chewing tobacco. The procedure of whitening teeth clears the stain and gives an instant and phenomenal makeover of your smile, creating a healthier and more beautiful appearance. In this treatment, the dentist will first clean the teeth and gums and then protect the gums by covering them with a suitable material. Now, the whitening solution is applied along with UV light, which activates the bleach solution. Use-at-home procedures are also available, which are considered more convenient but takes a longer time to show their effect. The in-office procedure only requires 1-2 sessions.

2. Dental Bonding

Dental Bonding helps in removing the mark of a chipped or cracked tooth. It can also cover up stained teeth. Having irregularly shaped teeth can cause insecurity and lack of confidence, so the well-suited treatment for such type of misshapen is dental bonding. The dentist also uses bonding materials to fill small cavities or to protect the exposed root of a tooth. This procedure takes about 30 minutes to 1 hour per tooth and requires only a single visit. The treatment works by applying an etching solution, sometimes composite resin, and then tooth-coloring material is added, which makes it look the same as the teeth color.

3. Enamel Shaping or Contouring

Enamel shaping or contouring is a quick and painless process of shaping natural teeth to improve their appearance. Enamel shaping and bonding are complementary treatments to each other. Like dental bonding, enamel shaping is a quick and easy fix for small and irregular tooth shapes. Unlike dental bonding, enamel shaping is permanent. Many people have crooked or overlapping teeth; in this case, enamel shaping reshapes teeth in order to improve or enhance the smile. It is a permanent treatment or sometimes may be combined with a bonding procedure according to the condition of the tooth. Sanding disc or papers are used to smoothen out the teeth. Removing the enamel could expose dentin, which may lead to a higher risk of sensitivity from cold or heat.

4. Crowns

Crowns, also known as Caps, are helpful in covering a weak or broken tooth, restoring it to a normal shape and appearance. Dentists usually suggest this treatment when other procedures can’t produce a pleasing result. It is only recommended by dentists when there is no other effective method possible. The crowns or caps are made up of metal or porcelain fused to metal, resin, and ceramic material. It usually takes 1-2 sessions for a complete procedure.

5. Dental Veneers

It is also referred to as Porcelain veneers or Dental laminates; it is a time-consuming procedure that gives a long-lasting natural smile. In this treatment, the dentists take an impression of teeth and then buff the teeth to allow easy adhering. Then the veneer is cemented in place with the help of a beam of light that hardens the cement. Although it takes more time than the bonding procedure, it lasts longer than the bonding.

6. Bridges

Bridges are used to replace missing teeth with artificial teeth and are sometimes also known as a fixed partial denture. The success of a bridge depends on its foundation and oral hygiene to keep the remaining teeth healthy.

7. Implants

Implants are considered a long-term solution for replacing missing teeth. They are an alternative to bridges. A dental implant is a procedure for replacing the missing tooth. Titanium screws are surgically implanted into jawbones, and the crowns adhere to them. These are long-term procedures as the patient requires time for recovery after surgery.

8. Gum Reshaping

Gum reshaping is required for medical reasons to cure gum-related diseases and for cosmetic reasons as well. 

9. Braces

Braces are helpful in the correction of crooked or misaligned teeth and can improve the appearance of the smile. Dentists bond the brackets to teeth (made of metal, plastic, or ceramic), and then the wire is placed through brackets to guide teeth to the correct position.

One can consult with an Best Dental implants Clinic in Gurgaon, Dr. Aneesh Katyal at AK Global Dent, to know more about the best dental care and cosmetic treatments that aid in improving oral and dental health and help enhance the beauty of the smile.

Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments

1. Affordability- Nowadays, cosmetic dentistry is very much affordable. So, one can easily accomplish a beautiful smile.

2. Improved self-confidence- Those who were anxious and scared of social interactions because of some sort of dental problem, cosmetic dentistry helps them to regain their confidence.

3. Improved appearance- It enhance the overall visual aspect as a person’s appearance is often judged by their smile. It also offers with improved ‘Quality of Life.’

4. Improved diet- A healthy diet improves physical health and mental health as well. Cosmetic dentistry treatment helps in strengthening the bites to improve the ability to chew food.

5. Improved dental health- Cosmetic dentistry along with proper dental hygiene improves overall oral health. It also protects against future dental issues.

For more details, consult now with an expert dentist at AK Global Dent, the Best Dental Clinic in Gurgaon.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Health Benefits Of Orthodontic Treatment

Teeth play a very important role in human body as they help people chew and digest food, speak clearly, keep the jawline intact, and help them achieve a confident, attractive smile. As everyone relies on teeth daily for eating, their proper care is foremost. Some people have teeth that are not as straightforward or perfectly aligned as they would like to have. Misaligned teeth are harder to brush and floss and can lead to gradual wearing of tooth enamel that requires expensive and extensive dental procedures. Orthodontic treatment performed in Gurgaon at AK Global Dent can help in regaining the self-confidence of the patients.

What is orthodontic treatment?

Orthodontics is one of the branches of dentistry that relates to the development of dentition and occlusion, facial growth, and prevention as well as correction of occlusion anomalies (i.e. improperly positioned teeth and jaws). There are various orthodontic appliances like braces, Invisalign, headgear, retainers, etc. (both removable and fixed) offered at AK Global Dent, dental clinic in Gurgaon that people can choose from. They all work on the same concept i.e. to apply gentle pressure on the jaws and teeth so that they can slowly realign into a better position.

An orthodontic treatment ensures that the teeth function properly and provide an aesthetically pleasing smile. It is a complex biological process that can fix the dental issues over time by making changes in the facial bones, jawbones, and soft tissues whilst the teeth take their new positions in the mouth.

Who undergoes orthodontic treatment?

One can consult an orthodontist in Gurgaon if they are suffering from the following concerns:

  • Bite problems like overbite/ buck teeth (upper jaw sticks out over the lower teeth), underbite (a bulldog appearance when the upper teeth are too far back), crossbite (when upper teeth are not slightly down in front of the lower teeth), and open bite (which leaves space between the biting surfaces of side or/and front teeth) that results in speech, bite, and chewing difficulties.

  • Teeth misalignment

  • Teeth clenching or grinding

  • Protruding teeth that are prone to injuries

  • Facial asymmetry or imbalance

  • Gaps or spaces between teeth, normally due to tooth loss

  • Crowded mouth because of excessive teeth on the dental ridge

  • Jaws that are recessed, shift, make sounds or protrude

  • Mouth breathing

  • Late or an early loss of baby teeth

  • Bad oral habits like sucking of fingers or thumb

How does health benefit from Orthodontic treatment?

Aside from having a boost of self-esteem and confidence due to the aesthetic appearance of teeth, orthodontic treatment offers many health benefits. These include:

  • Reduced possibility of Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disordersTMJ disorder develops when there is excessive strain on the joints of the jaws due to misaligned teeth. This results in troubled closing or opening of the mouth and may also lead to headaches, facial pain, and jaw clicking.

  • Fewer chances of having tooth decay: People who have crooked or crowded teeth have difficulty cleaning them. As teeth are not kept clean, food particles can get lodged in between the teeth which further can cause the growth of acid-producing bacteria leading to tooth decay. Orthodontics can treat such teeth and minimize the possibility of plaque formation that causes tooth decay.

  • Reduced risk of Gum disease: With straight aligned teeth, there is less possibility of plaque build-up and a decreased possibility of having sore, inflamed, or bleeding gums.

  • Proper digestion of food: After any orthodontic treatment, the ability to chew and bite any food item is considerably improved. This allows individuals to have better digestion of what they eat and get the required nutrients from the food that is important for maintaining their overall health.

  • Better oral hygiene: Orthodontic treatment can provide a lifetime improvement of dental health. As the teeth become properly aligned, oral hygiene can be made better as flossing, brushing, and rinsing becomes easy. This decreases the possibility of having dental caries or cavities and gaps in between the teeth. Oral health is promoted that acts as the window for general health.

To know more about Orthodontic Treatment Cost in Gurgaon and their benefits, pay a visit at AK Global Dent, best dental clinic in Gurgaon.