Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Why Is Getting Braces Early In Life The Best Option?


Patients must first acknowledge that orthodontic treatment is more than a cosmetic procedure. When most people think of orthodontics, they imagine fixing defective teeth to achieve a better smile. That is not incorrect, but there are two sides to every coin. The first is to improve the patient’s appearance, and the second is to treat difficulties that make it difficult for the patient to eat, breathe, or speak. In this blog, we will learn why getting braces at the right time at an earlier stage in life will be a good decision. We will also learn whom to consult for braces and where to get the best Braces Treatment Cost in Gurgaon. First, start by finding out why to get braces earlier in life.

Why is getting Braces early in life the best option?

As a child grows, it is vital that they are checked by a medical professional to ensure that everything is in order. Parents most likely start taking their children to the doctor for annual exams at a young age to ensure their overall health. They should do the same when it comes to their dental health. Doctors recommend that parents take their children to the dentist and/or orthodontist by the age of seven. Kids begin to develop permanent adult teeth around 6 or 7.

Parents want to ensure their children’s jaws and teeth grow regularly before they get adult teeth. Otherwise, children will need more significant orthodontic treatment to fix any irregularities. When parents bring their children in for regular appointments from an early age, a dental professional may monitor their development and detect any problems while they are minors. They can then practise interceptive and/or preventative treatment, saving them a lot of trouble, cost, and time. The cost of braces treatment in Gurgaon varies depending on the severity of the condition.

Invisalign treatment can correct uneven bites, crowded teeth, projecting teeth, and gaps between teeth. When a child’s teeth appear in normal alignment and do not visibly indicate a dental issue, the child may have a bite issue. If left untreated, this can result in major dental problems as the child ages. Take your child in for routine dental checks to see if this is the case. At the age of seven, a child should be evaluated for orthodontic treatment.

Braces at Different Ages

  • Pre-teens to Early Teens

In general, most orthodontic procedures are completed once the patient no longer has any baby teeth to lose. This is mainly because it makes no long-term sense to do all that work to reposition teeth that will eventually disappear.

Furthermore, good oral care and regular cleanings are essential for individuals with braces, and the cleaning process is more thorough than most children are accustomed to. If a child isn’t brushing their teeth regularly enough, it may be advisable to wait until their habits are more consistent.

  • Teenagers and Young Adults

The majority of orthodontic patients get their braces fitted between the ages of 14 and 20. This is normally the age range at which all adult teeth have fully emerged into the jaw, but tissues and bones are still forming, making it simpler to shift the teeth into position in a relatively efficient time frame.

Teens and younger adults are also more likely to be tolerant and understand the minor discomfort of changes and the gradual tightening of the fittings. These patients are also more diligent in their hygiene practices. They will make the necessary efforts to maintain and clean the devices, thus preventing any potential darkening of the tooth enamel over time.

  • Mature Adults

Although the adolescent and early adult years are the ‘sweet spot’ for most orthodontic treatments, an increasing number of mature individuals want braces or are advised to get them by their dentist.

Mature individuals may choose to wear braces for a variety of reasons. It’s possible that they weren’t able to do it in childhood, either due to financial constraints or other medical concerns, and that they now have the resources, time, or health status to complete their treatment.

Some individuals may require orthodontic treatment to repair a dental health condition that is worsening with age. An injury or accident may also cause damage that can only be repaired with orthodontic supports. Adults of all ages can be suitable candidates for braces for various reasons, regardless of the precise cause.

Stages To Opt For Braces

A list of warning signs that an individual needs braces may help them determine which issues to discuss with their orthodontist.

  1. Crowding of Teeth

When an individual’s permanent teeth first appear, there may not be enough space for them to develop properly. Crowded teeth can cause teeth to slant sideways, develop a lisp, or create chewing discomfort.

  1. Interdental Spaces

Gaps between teeth are obvious signs that one might require braces. As permanent teeth emerge, the gaps frequently heal on their own.

  1. Baby Tooth Loss, Whether Early or Late

If an individual loses baby teeth too soon or too late, braces may be required. If a child’s teeth fall out prematurely, the remaining teeth may move into the gaps. Tooth loss that happens later than normal can cause alignment problems.

  1. Thumb Sucking

Thumb sucking and pacifier use can affect a child’s tooth development. It can result in jaw pain as well as misaligned teeth and jaws. If a child is a thumbsucker, he or she may have teeth that require braces.

  1. Using the Mouth to Breathe

When a child breathes through their mouth, the shape of their face may change. Mouth breathing is frequently caused by the tongue’s inability to rest against the roof of the mouth.

Consult the Top Dental Clinic for Braces Treatment

You can have a beautiful smile and straight teeth no matter how old or severe your orthodontic problems are. Every method, from traditional braces to cutting-edge Invisalign, offers unique advantages tailored to meet clients’ needs and preferences. An orthodontist will help you decide the optimum course of treatment, guaranteeing a bright and self-assured smile for years to come. Remember that persistence and dedication are the keys to a successful teeth-straightening procedure; it’s an investment in your overall well-being and dental hygiene.

For the best braces, such as clear, ceramic, or Invisalign treatment in Gurgaon, you can speak with AK Global Dent’s renowned orthodontist, Dr. Aneesh Katyal. Straighten the teeth immediately, and accept these procedures’ transformational power.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

10 things Parents Must be Aware About Their Kids Dental Health


As per every experienced paediatric dental expert, parents are responsible for establishing healthy oral habits in their kids at an early age. As per dentist at AK Global Dent, Best Dentist in Gurgaon, ‘Parents should understand the significance of paediatric dental care and follow proper child dental care tips so that their kids don’t have to face dental problems at a young age and can lead a healthy, happy life.’

In this blog, we will be disclosing 10 essential paediatric dental health facts/ things which every parent must know about to ensure effective maintenance of their child’s oral health. These things can be considered as our useful suggestions to parents for protecting their kid’s oral health.

1.  The worth of baby teeth

Although baby teeth will eventually fall off and be replaced with permanent adult teeth as a child grows older, maintaining healthy baby teeth is necessary in a child’s development. A child can eat properly, keep space in his/her jaw for permanent teeth, and speak clearly with baby teeth. If baby teeth are not properly cared for, there could be dental issues that would further affect the health of permanent teeth.

2.  Initiate early dental care

Taking care of oral health must commence soon after the first tooth erupts in the child’s mouth. Even before teeth come in, parents can keep their child's gums clean by gently wiping their gums with a soft, damp cloth. After teeth come in, parents can start gently brushing their teeth using a soft bristle toothbrush and a tiny smear of fluoride toothpaste.

3.  Significance of first dental visit and regular dental check-ups

Eery parent must schedule a first dental appointment for a child with a paediatric dentist as soon as their child turns 1 year old or within 6 months of their child's first tooth appearing and thereafter don’t skip on yearly dental visits. The chosen dentist must be good at handling dental fear/anxiety in kids and fostering a child-friendly atmosphere. With the first dental visit, a dental care home can be established for the child and dental carries can be avoided.

During regular paediatric dental visits, the dentist in Gurgaon could monitor the child’s dental development, check on early signs of any dental problems with the child, practice preventive dental care including professional teeth cleaning, and provide tailored dental care tips for the child.

4.  Role of fluoride in dental care

Fluoride is a mineral essential for keeping the teeth strong and healthy. It is naturally present in the enamel of the teeth and acts to keep teeth resistant to acid attack from dental plaque. Its source includes fluoridated toothpaste, mouthwash, and local water supply/tap water. As a parent, it is important to ensure that the child’s teeth are getting enough fluoride, what toothpaste to choose, and what amount of toothpaste to use to brush the teeth of the child.

5.  Important aspects of a child’s dental hygiene routine

When kids are old enough to not swallow toothpaste, it’s their parent's responsibility to instruct them on correct bruising techniques and supervise them until they learn to brush properly on their own. Furthermore, when kids are aged between 2 and 6, parents must introduce and promote daily flossing.

6.  Diet plays its part in the oral and overall health of a child

One of the reasons behind children having dental caries is their consumption of sugar-loaded or starchy meals and drinks. As a parent, it is important to encourage the child to have a well-rounded, healthy diet including plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, and dairy products as well as drink fluoridated water. This way, the child’s teeth can stay strong and healthy and so his/her general health.

7.  Need to avoid thumb sucking and pacifiers

Young kids often have bad oral habits like thumb sucking and use of pacifiers which could over time affect the teeth alignment and mouth growth and development. If kids aged above 3 years are still habitual to thumb sucking and use of pacifiers, you need to make your child no longer have such a habit which you can do so by taking paediatric dentist help.

8.  Mouthguards are used for playing contact sports

If your kid is active in sports, it's important as a parent to purchase custom made mouthguards provided by a paediatric dentist for him/her. Mouthguards protect against injuries or trauma to the lips, inner cheeks, palate, teeth, and gums.

In case of dental emergencies like a severe toothache or knocked out tooth of a child, parents must know how to handle the situation, provide required first aid, and immediately take the child to an emergency paediatric dentist.  For more details on dental emergencies or Orthodontic Treatment in Gurgaon, one can visit the leading dental clinic for people of all ages at AK Global Dent.

9.  Additional dental care considerations to cater to special child needs

Parents must be aware that every child is unique and if their kid is special, they must seek dental care for their child from a paediatric dentist holding experience in handling dental cases of children with special needs. Such a dentist can provide specific care and advice to ensure the child maintains good dental health. Proper at-home dental care and regular dental visits to a paediatric dentist are essential for kids with special needs.  

10.  Making dental care fun for the child and setting a great example for the child 

Parents must make their kids learn how to care for their oral health through a play-way method. To encourage their child to practise a good oral hygiene routine, parents must do the same. Kids usually imitate the actions of their elders or parents. By brushing and flossing together with their child and adding fun to this daily routine, parents can help their child instil good oral habits.

To make dental care fun for the child, parents can let their child choose their toothpaste and toothbrush; use a timer or a fun song to play while brushing to make sure brushing is over in 2 minutes; and give rewards for maintaining their brushing routine. Watching videos or reading about dental care can also help kids be more engaged and serious about the dental hygiene regime and prioritise it as they grow old.

If you are searching for the best paediatric dentist near you, visit AK Global Dent, Best Dental Clinic in Gurgaon. We have the best dental team holding decades of experience in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of any kind of oral health issues in kids. Schedule an appointment today to learn more.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

What are the signs that I need orthodontic treatments?


Are you facing dental or facial irregularities? Are your teeth not lined up correctly or seem crooked? You might not realize but you may need to see an orthodontist.

AK Global Dent is the Best Dental Clinic in Gurgaon that focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of dental or facial irregularities. The dentist at the clinic focuses on providing best treatments for teeth and jaw alignment.

With the help of high-end techniques and an orthodontist holding expertise and a great wealth of experience, you can improve your teeth functioning and smile appearance as well as overall oral health. If you are wondering when to schedule a consultation with an orthodontist, read this blog to discover the major signs indicating the need for you to see an orthodontist. Also, learn about what orthodontists can help with and the orthodontic treatment in Gurgaon available.

Signs that you need orthodontic treatment

  • Gaps between teeth or misaligned teeth- When there is loss/extraction of a tooth or teeth, a gap is created in a smile. If this gap is not filed timely, the teeth next to the gap try occupying the space and when doing so, they go out of alignment. Thankfully, spacing between teeth can be resolved with orthodontic tools that work to get teeth closer together gradually over time.


  • Crooked teeth- Overlapped, twisted/rotated, or crooked teeth may develop due to poor oral hygiene habits, thumb sucking, malnutrition, early loss of a baby tooth, tongue thrusting, mouth breathing, genetics, or injury/trauma to the mouth. They can cause bite problems and make cleaning hard to accomplish, leading to oral health issues. Orthodontic treatment can help fix this problem.


  • Underbite or overbite- An underbite happens when the lower bottom teeth excessively protrude beyond the upper teeth while an overbite happens when the upper front teeth excessively overlap the lower front teeth. Both of these bite problems can alter your facial appearance and lead to trouble chewing, pain in the jaw, and speech issues. 


  • Crossbite or open bite- A crossbite happens when the upper teeth do not meet properly the lower teeth on each side and sit behind the lower teeth. An open bite occurs when both upper and lower teeth do not meet when the mouth is completely shut. Such conditions can result in uneven wear on the teeth and issues with the jaw joint.


  • Trouble or pain felt when chewing or biting- It may indicate a misalignment problem that requires orthodontic treatment. Chewing or biting difficulty can further lead to digestive problems, so seeking orthodontist assistance is critical.  


  • Constant pain in the jaw- If there are misaligned teeth or jaw, undue stress would be laid on the jaw, causing chronic jaw pain and discomfort. Orthodontic treatment can help realign teeth and jaw and provide relief from aching jaw.


  • Impeded speech- Certain orthodontic problems like bite issues and gaps between teeth can cause speech problems like lisps or trouble in correctly pronouncing certain words. With orthodontic treatments, speech can be improved.


  • Regular headaches- Sometimes, jaw or teeth misalignment could strain jaw muscles and result in regular headaches. With orthodontist treatment, the jaw muscles can relax and the patient can get relief from headaches.


  • Mouth sores- Some patients who already are wearing braces and experiencing mouth sores as well as discomfort in having food, need to see an orthodontist to properly adjust the braces or to replace them with removal aligner trays.

Orthodontic options

An orthodontist provides treatments that cater to your needs and correct your specific orthodontic problem. The orthodontic options include:

  • Braces- There are varieties of braces available, each helping in the gradual shifting of teeth into the proper position by applying gentle pressure on teeth. Traditional metallic braces are highly effective in fixing complex orthodontic problems. For a more discrete look, there are ceramic, tooth-colored braces. There are even lingual braces and self-ligating braces with little variation from traditional braces.


  • Invisalign- It is a revolutionary orthodontic option, where the patient is provided with a set of clear, removable aligners, and custom-made trays that are to be worn over the teeth daily for a minimum of 22 hours. The aligners are very comfortable, virtually invisible, and allow the patient to maintain an oral hygiene routine as well as have their drink or meals without hassles.

Reach out to us today

If experiencing any of the signs mentioned in this post and are considering any of the above-listed orthodontic treatments, you must take timely, professional orthodontic care.

AK Global Dent is the Best Dental Clinic in Gurgaon where top-notch, highly experienced orthodontists work to provide you with the Best Orthodontic Treatment which is affordable and caters to your unique dental needs.

So, make no more delays in transforming your smile and making your oral health better. Schedule a consultation with our friendly orthodontists today and achieve a confident, healthy smile. 

Friday, August 30, 2024

Why are people switching to invisible braces?

People opt for invisible aligners over clear or invisible dental braces for a variety of reasons other than cosmetics. Indeed, many people select these plastic appliances to avoid the embarrassment of challenging braces while smiling or speaking, but there are also solid reasons to switch them over traditional braces.

Here in this blog learn why people are opting for Invisible Braces treatment for tooth straightening with AK Global Dent, which is the leading dental clinic who provides Invisible Braces in Gurgaon.

Reason 1

The first reason, as previously mentioned, is cosmetic. Unlike braces, these invisible aligners are exactly what their name indicates: invisible. They are made of transparent plastic, which makes them less noticeable when wearing them; people cannot tell if someone is wearing aligners or not.

Reason 2

The second reason is that it is effective. They are as effective as braces, but their advantage is that fixing tooth misalignment with them takes much less time. They put pressure on the teeth and move them into the correct positions. While braces may need to be worn for a year or two, aligners can be dealt with within a few months.

Reason 3

The third reason in their favor is their effect on everyday life. An individual wearing a brace must avoid particular types of food that could affect the braces. Food particles can become lodged between them and cause additional issues if not removed immediately. In addition, during its application, one needs to take extreme caution in terms of oral hygiene. Invisible braces solve all of these problems.

Reason 4

Clear aligners are removable and so have no restrictions on food consumption. This still allows people to eat all of their favorite comfort foods. Fixed braces prevent the eating of sticky, chewy, hard, or stringy foods that could become stuck in or damage the brackets.

Reason 5

Invisible braces can be removed and completely cleaned, allowing patients to practice good oral hygiene during treatment. Metal brackets and wires make it difficult to clean and floss effectively, potentially leading to cavities and tooth discoloration.

Reason 6

Aligner treatment is significantly quicker than braces treatment. So, not only are they more convenient, but they also help to straighten the crooked teeth faster.

Benefits of Invisible braces

1. Invisalign aligners offer treatment without the bulk of braces. 

Invisalign aligners are practically invisible and removable, making them ideal for aesthetics and comfort throughout treatment. Because aligners are clear, no one will notice you're wearing them. This concern is usually resolved when using Invisalign aligners. Many people are concerned that wearing metal braces would feel uncomfortable. There are no broken brackets or wires to pierce the gums. Cleaning up after eating or drinking has never been easier because of detachable aligners.

2. Invisalign clear aligners correct teeth. 

Invisalign aligners can be used to treat several problems, such as:

  • Underbites

  • Overbites

  • Crossbites

  • Gap teeth

  • Open bites

  • Crooked teeth

  • Straighter teeth

  • A mixture of primary and secondary teeth

3. Invisalign braces allow individuals to achieve healthier teeth.

The benefits of having strong teeth for general health cannot be underscored. Misaligned teeth can be caused by a variety of factors, including trauma, hereditary traits, and thumb-sucking. Tooth misalignment can cause a variety of oral health problems, including:

  • Uneven enamel

  • Difficulty speaking and biting

  • Jaw pain

  • Toothaches.

A healthy tongue can improve a person's quality of life and maintain their body in its best condition. Individuals can improve their overall health as well as the appearance of their smile with Invisalign braces.

4. Removable to adapt to your lifestyle 

Since Invisalign braces are easy to remove, they can be removed whenever they choose. To have the best results, patients should wear them for 20 to 22 hours every day. If patients wear them for fewer hours than prescribed, their treatment may become more complicated. If one removes their aligners, they can take part in the following activities without adversely affecting their treatment:

  • Eating and drinking

  • Brushing and flossing teeth

  • Cleaning aligners

  • Attending special activities

5. There's less discomfort and pain.

Invisalign braces are made of a thin thermoplastic polymer that fits firmly over the teeth. For better comfort and look, the aligners are also cut at the gum line. Furthermore, because there are no metal brackets or cables, there is no risk of breaking one and causing pain or suffering until it is repaired.


Invisalign is a proven method that is a safe, effective, and comfortable way to straighten teeth. Getting this treatment with AK Global Dent,  Best Dental Clinic in Gurgaon improves overall oral and dental care while also being a safer, more effective device. Invisalign is the recommended choice by AK Global Dent orthodontist for individuals seeking orthodontic alignment. Visit now to learn more!

Friday, July 26, 2024

Factors Determining One’s Candidature for Dental Implant Surgery


Dental implants have gained popularity as a long-term replacement for missing teeth in recent years. Dental implants offer a robust and aesthetically pleasing solution for improving oral health and repairing damaged teeth, whether the cause is periodontal disease, fractures, or other dental issues. The expert dentists at AK Global Dent, the best dental clinic in Gurgaon, share that there are several factors that determine if one is the right candidate for dental implants or not.

Let’s learn about these factors in detail.

The Factors That Determine Dental Implant Eligibility

Dental implants are a cutting-edge method of replacing missing teeth because they provide a long-lasting, natural-looking restoration with enhanced functionality. However, they are only suitable for some. Dentists thoroughly weigh a number of factors before recommending implants in order to guarantee a positive outcome. Here are a few essential components that determine whether one is a good candidate for dental implants or not:

1. General Health

  • Medication: Certain drugs, like blood thinners or specific steroids, may interfere with the healing process. It is crucial to let the dentist know about all of the prescriptions so they can look for any possible drug interactions. It is crucial to modify one’s treatment plan as needed.

  • Medical Conditions: A number of chronic illnesses, such as uncontrolled diabetes, heart disease, or autoimmune disorders, can impede the healing process following surgery and raise the risk of infection. In the event that one already has a medical condition, their dentist will collaborate closely with their doctor to make sure it is well-managed and will not cause a risk while receiving implant treatment.

2. Oral Health

  • Adequate Bone Density: The implant is secured by the jawbone. Sufficient bone density is essential for the stability and long-term effectiveness of implants. The dentist may suggest a bone grafting procedure to increase the volume of one’s bone prior to implant placement if they determine that it is insufficient because of prior tooth extraction, bone resorption, or other factors.

  • Healthy Gums: Strong gums are essential for a successful implant placement. The stability of the implant may be compromised by bleeding, inflammation, or periodontal disease (periodontitis), which also raises the risk of infection. In certain situations, implant surgery cannot begin until gum disease has been treated.

  • Missing Teeth Location: The implant placement procedure may be impacted by the location and quantity of missing teeth. For instance, replacing a single front tooth might necessitate a different strategy than replacing several lost teeth in the back of the mouth. In order to choose the best implant size, number, and placement technique, the dentist will evaluate the precise location as well as the surrounding bone structure.

3. Age

  • Young Adults: For young adults considering implants after tooth extraction, jaw development must be completed in order to place implants as effectively as possible. Implant placement done too soon can interfere with jaw development and possibly lead to problems down the road.

  • Adults in Good Health: Being older does not automatically rule someone out of receiving dental implants. Any stage of adulthood can be a candidate for implants, provided that they maintain good oral hygiene and general health.

4. Lifestyle Habits

  • Alcohol Use: Drinking too much alcohol can also slow down the healing process and increase the risk of infection. It is best to limit or avoid alcohol before and after surgery in order to facilitate a more seamless recovery.

  • Smoking: Smoking impairs the immune system and seriously impedes healing, which raises the possibility of implant failure. It is strongly advised that one should give up smoking several months prior to implant surgery in order to maximize their chances of a successful osseointegration (fusion of the implant with the jawbone).

5. Commitment to Oral Hygiene

Maintaining the longevity of dental implants requires good oral hygiene. Those who are considering dental implants should be dedicated to maintaining good oral hygiene, which includes brushing, flossing, and routine dental examinations. The dentist will advise on proper implant maintenance and highlight the value of maintaining good oral hygiene.

Regain Your Beautiful Smile with Dental Implants!

Dental implants offer a dependable and aesthetically pleasing alternative to missing teeth. But not everyone is a good fit for this course of treatment. A candidate’s suitability for dental implants is largely determined by factors like general health, bone density, gum health, smoking habits, and dedication to oral hygiene.

The first step in determining whether dental implants are the best option for a person is to schedule an appointment with a skilled dentist. When combined with the appropriate diagnosis and customized treatment, dental implants can give one both a gorgeous smile and improved oral health. If one is looking for the best dentist in Gurgaon, they can visit AK Global Dent to meet with highly skilled and experienced dentists.

To learn more about the treatment, visit AK Global Dent today.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Interesting Facts About Teeth Whitening Procedure

 Who doesn’t love a beautiful smile with clean and bright teeth? In modern times, with the awareness of oral hygiene, the demand for teeth whitening has also grown. Teeth whitening is a painless dental procedure that can make one’s average smile look like a million bucks. It brightens the teeth and boosts one’s confidence. The experts at AK Global Dent, renowned as the best dental clinic in Gurgaon, have shared a few interesting facts about teeth whitening treatment to educate the readers about this treatment. Continue reading to learn.

1. Teeth whitening does not damage teeth

Contrary to popular belief, when done properly, teeth whitening does not damage teeth. Professional teeth whitening, on the other hand, uses ingredients that rehydrate and remineralize teeth. However, misusing store-bought products can lead to issues, so it is crucial to always read and abide by the instructions. Excessive use of ingredients like baking powder, lemon, or hydrogen peroxide irritates your gums and removes the natural enamel from your teeth. In order to remove stains, professional teeth whitening uses active ingredients. The dentist is well aware of how much whitening solution is needed and they also use lasers during teeth whitening to make sure there is no discomfort.

2. Our teeth have pores too

Our teeth and skin both have very small pores. This is why coffee, tea, smoking, and certain foods can stain the teeth. The natural color of the teeth darkens over time, making cleaning more difficult. One will require more than just brushing. Thus, teeth whitening is the most effective solution in this case.

3. It is normal to experience sensitivity after teeth whitening

Sensitivity is the most common dental problem, which is typically caused by genetics, illnesses, or deteriorating enamel. During the teeth-whitening procedure, dental sensitivity or tingling is common. Those who do not have tooth sensitivity may experience a slight tingling sensation on their gums. Chemicals can occasionally irritate the gums and cause sensitivity. But there is no need to worry. The dentist will recommend a post-whitening fluoride treatment to reduce inflammation and calm the nerves.

  1. Tooth stains cannot be eliminated overnight

Even the most sophisticated laser whitening treatments cannot remove stains overnight. Just as tooth staining occurs gradually, so does the removal of those stains. Of course, some teeth whitening treatments are more effective and faster acting than others, just like laser teeth whitening. In some cases, changes are noticeable after the first treatment, but in general, an effective teeth whitening process can take anywhere from a few days to a few months to complete.

5. Whitening is not possible for caps and veneers

When artificial caps and veneers are installed, they are designed to match the color of the existing teeth. The material is created with a darker (or lighter) color that cannot be changed. Caps and veneers will neither whiten nor stain. As a result, teeth whitening will not harm existing dental work.

6. Not everyone’s teeth can be completely white

Regardless of stains, the natural color (and genetic makeup) of an individual’s teeth is determined at birth. A whitening product can only be used to get rid of all the stains that have built up over time. However, the teeth whitening treatment can surely improve or lighten the existing teeth color.

How Long Will Teeth Whitening Last?

One of the most frequently asked questions about teeth whitening is how long the results last. Several factors can influence how long teeth whitening effects last, including:

1. Product or treatment utilized: The results will vary depending on the whitening method you choose. Professional treatments typically involve the use of more potent whitening agents, which last longer.

2. Frequency of use or treatments: Dentist treatments may be performed over several sittings, which improves the efficacy and duration of whitening. Also, to maintain the results, one should regularly follow the afteracre instructions given by the doctor.

3. Lifestyle and oral hygiene: An individual’s eating and drinking habits, as well as the tobacco use, may affect how long their teeth stay white.

When it comes to getting a brighter, whiter smile, there are a wide range of teeth whitening treatments, each with its own unique mechanism for addressing tooth discoloration and stain removal. Understanding the range of options and key components can help one make informed decisions about how to improve the natural beauty of their teeth. If one is searching for orthodontic treatment in Gurgaon, one may visit AK Global Dent. The clinic’s skilled orthodontists treat various dental conditions, like misaligned jaws, tooth gaps, overbites, underbites, crowded teeth, and crooked teeth. They provide many different treatment options, such as metal braces, gold lingual braces, ceramic braces, damon braces, and Invisalign aligners.

Visit the AK Global Dent Clinic today to learn more about their services and to consult with the expert orthodontics.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Invisalign Aligners: The Best Investment for Your Smile and Lifestyle

While there are several options for straightening teeth, Invisalign is the only one that does not require brackets or wires. Invisalign can completely change a person's life by improving their smile, oral health, and confidence. Wondering about the Invisalign dental braces cost in Gurgaon? One must understand that the cost of Invisalign varies from person to person depending on the complexity of the specific tooth condition, the number of aligners required for treatment, the orthodontist's experience, the length of the treatment, the severity of the condition, and much more.

Investing in Invisalign aligners is worthwhile, given the numerous benefits they provide for both the teeth and one’s overall lifestyle.

Benefits of Invisalign Aligners

  1. Improved Lifestyle: Invisalign can be integrated into everyday life without sacrificing style. Unlike metal braces, Invisalign aligners are barely noticeable, allowing people to straighten their teeth without worrying about how they will look in public.

  1. Healthier Teeth: By correcting misalignments, Invisalign promotes oral health, preventing issues such as uneven enamel, difficulty chewing, and toothaches, resulting in a higher overall quality of life.

  1. Fewer Appointments: Traditional braces require regular appointment visits to tighten and adjust. To progress through the Invisalign treatment program, a person needs to change their aligners every two weeks.

  1. Improved Daily Functionality: Invisalign aligners can be removed for eating, drinking, brushing, and special occasions, providing greater flexibility while maintaining treatment efficacy.

  1. More Comfortable: Invisalign aligners are made of a thin thermoplastic polymer and multilayer SmartTrack material, which ensures a tight fit over the teeth. The aligners are also cut along the gum line for improved comfort and appearance. Additionally, because there are no metal brackets or wires, there is no risk of breaking one, which could cause pain or suffering until it is repaired. 

Invisalign aligners make it possible to work, eat, and socialize without worry! If one is looking to get invisible braces in Gurgaon, one can visit AK Global Dent. The experts at the clinic offer a wide range of dental services, such as dental implants, gum disease treatment, root canal treatment, and more. 

To learn more about dental braces, visit AK Global Dent today.