Thursday, May 9, 2024

The Four Main Types of Dental Implants

Many people experience tooth loss throughout their lives. With their years of experience, the experts at AK Global Dent, the best dental implants clinic in Gurgaon,  say that missing teeth can have serious consequences on one’s health and quality of life. It can make it difficult to do everyday tasks such as eating and speaking. Fortunately, several treatment options exist to restore the appearance and function of one’s smile. Dental implants have a 98% success rate and are an excellent option for replacing missing teeth. 

In this blog, we will learn about the different types of dental implants.

What is a Dental Implant?

A dental implant is a small titanium post (screw) that is surgically inserted into the jawbone beneath the gum line. This post will fuse with your jawbone, forming a solid foundation for one’s dental restoration. A dental implant post is used to replace the root of a missing tooth. It not only forms a root-like bond with the bone, but it also stimulates and preserves its structural integrity. A restoration is attached to the top of a dental implant post. Typically, a single crown is used to replace one tooth. However, dental implants can also be used to support multiple missing teeth with a bridge or to secure dentures. Dental implants can last a lifetime if properly maintained. 

The Four Main Types of Dental Implants

  1. Single Tooth Dental Implants

A single-tooth implant is a dental procedure that replaces a missing tooth and its root with a screw or cylinder-shaped titanium implant placed into the jawbone. The implant bonds with the bone to form an anchor for an artificial tooth, or crown, that's fixed over it. The implant and abutment (which connects the implant to the crown) can be made of titanium, gold, or porcelain.

The implanting process is usually almost pain-free and takes about an hour, but one may feel discomfort from pressure. Healing generally takes no more than a week, but one should avoid tough foods until the process is complete. One can wear a temporary tooth replacement during the two to six months it takes for the implant to bond with the bone. Single-tooth implants are considered a permanent solution that's better than conventional options like dental bridges or removable partial dentures. 

  1. Multiple Tooth Dental Implants

Multiple tooth dental implants can be used to replace both missing teeth and some of their roots. They can look and function like natural teeth and don't require the same maintenance as removable partial dentures. Multiple tooth implants can be placed with individual crowns or a bridge with multiple crowns. Replacing missing teeth with implants can help maintain one’s jawbone and gums and allow one to eat foods they couldn't eat before, such as steak, corn on the cob, apples, and sticky snacks. 

  1. Full Mouth Dental Implants 

Full-mouth dental implants are a procedure that replaces all teeth in one or both jaws with titanium implants that act as anchors for artificial teeth. The procedure involves three components:

  • Implants: Screw-like or cylindrical devices placed into the jawbone

  • Prosthetic Teeth: Look and function like natural teeth

  • Abutments: Metal posts that connect the replacement teeth to the implants 

The number of implants needed depends on the patient's jawbone condition and the doctor's assessment. Full mouth implants can be a cost-effective, long-term solution for replacing lost teeth. They can help preserve jaw structure and bone strength, and patients can care for them like natural teeth. Full mouth implants have a high success rate and can restore smiles quickly and accurately.

  1. All-on-4 Dental Implants

All-on-4 implants provide a complete set of upper or lower replacement teeth. It is permanently attached, with only four dental implants inserted into the jawbone. Because All-on-4 replaces an entire dental plate, it is ideal for patients who are missing multiple teeth or have extensive decay on multiple teeth.

Furthermore, All-on-4 implants are an excellent alternative to traditional dentures, especially if one struggles with dentures. All-on-4 is a permanent and non-removable alternative to traditional dentures, which can be loose, uncomfortable, and need frequent cleaning. Ultimately, the implants are intended to appear and feel like natural teeth.

Have Missing Tooth? Consult with the Experts!

If someone has one or more missing teeth and is looking for the best dentist in Gurgaon, they can book a consultation with the expert dentist at AK Global Dent. The experts at the clinic first examine the patient’s tooth condition and then recommend the best-customized treatment plan for them.

To learn more about dental implants, visit AK Global Dent today.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Are tooth roots removed during a root canal procedure?

Many patients believe they lost some or all of their roots during root canal treatment. The roots anchor our teeth in the jawbone. This provides support for the teeth while chewing food. So, it is important to protect one’s roots at all costs. Fortunately, root canal treatment removes the soft tissue, nerve, or dental pulp from inside the patient’s roots while leaving the roots intact. ‘The goal is to either gain access to clean out bacteria or remove unhealthy, inflamed, and painful nerve tissue’ shares the dentist at AK Global Dent, who are known for providing leading Best Root Canal Treatment in Gurgaon.

How do I know if I need a root canal treatment?

The most common reasons for root canal treatment are infection of the inside of the tooth (the dental pulp) or persistent pain caused by an inflamed and hyper-responsive nerve, which is often referred to as a toothache.

Patients seeking endodontic treatment frequently complain about pain while chewing. It is caused by a deep cavity that has allowed bacteria into the nerve space or dental pulp, or a persistent toothache that will not go away. In some cases, a previous dental filling placed near the patient’s nerve can necessitate root canal treatment much later on.

Sometimes a post must be inserted inside the roots of a fractured tooth in order for it to heal properly. In order to accomplish this, the dentist must first finish the root canal procedure in order to provide sterile access for the post placement. This is a far less common situation where a root canal is necessary.

Will my tooth be dead after receiving endodontic (root canal) treatment?

Root canal therapy removes nerve tissue, blood vessels, and capillaries from your tooth. This tissue is sometimes living, but in many cases, such as an infected tooth or a dental abscess, it is already dead or necrotic.

A root-canal-treated tooth is technically dead or non-vital, but you can still feel chewing pressure with it. This is due to the millions of tiny nerve fibers found in the periodontal ligament, which wraps around the outside surface of your tooth roots.

Can a root canal be used to treat any tooth?
The answer to this is no. Sometimes, a painful or infected tooth that requires treatment may have calcified pulp or nerve. This happens when the soft tissue in root canals hardens over time. In these cases, it may be impossible to complete the necessary treatment, leaving tooth extraction as the only option.

Consulting an endodontist will allow a patient to know the success of their Root Canal Treatment in Gurgaon.

Will I experience pain during or after my endodontic treatment?

This is probably the most common misconception about root canal treatment. Endodontic therapy, in fact, relieves existing pain caused by an inflamed or infected dental pulp (nerve). Local anesthetics can effectively numb your tooth, allowing one to have treatment done comfortably.

If you experience sensitivity during root canal treatment, simply notify your dentist so that they can administer additional local anesthetic.

Following treatment, you may experience tenderness in response to pressure or chewing. This is more likely if you needed treatment for a painful dental abscess. If post-operative pain occurs, it usually goes away within 2-3 days and can be relieved with anti-inflammatory medications.

Will my root canal-treated tooth become black?

Root canal treated teeth can discolor, which is often caused by a pulpal hemorrhage that occurred during the treatment process. When your dentist gets to a vital (live) dental pulp, it bleeds. If some blood remains after treatment, it may cause discoloration of your tooth over time.

Discoloration can also occur in a tooth that requires root canal therapy after an impact or trauma injury. These teeth discolor as a result of an impact (such as a fall or sports injury), rather than a completed root canal treatment.

Common colors include black, purple and gray. If this occurs, you can crown your tooth or undergo a simple process called internal bleaching or tooth whitening to eliminate the persistent staining.

Choose the best dental clinic in Gurgaon!

AK Global dent is the leading provider of best dental treatment like professional teeth cleaning, root canal, dental veneers, teeth straightening, and also named as the Best Dental implants Clinic in Gurgaon. For people who are looking for tooth restoration treatments they can visit AK Global Dent Clinic.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Benefits of Getting Root Canal Treatment

People who experience persistent tooth pain, sensitivity to cold and hot food, swollen gums, etc., are often advised to get a root canal treatment. However, people often refrain from getting the treatment because they are afraid of the pain and the whole procedure. There are numerous advantages to this treatment that can significantly enhance the oral health and general well-being of an individual. In this article, we will explore the different benefits of root canal treatment to help people understand the treatment better rather than fear getting it. To make this post informative, we have gathered insights from renowned orthodontists at AK Global Dent. The clinic is well known for offering the best root canal treatment in Gurgaon. It is important to understand the purpose of root canal therapy before exploring its advantages. So, let’s first understand that.

What is the Purpose of a Root Canal?

Our teeth are composed of three layers: enamel on the outside, dentin on the inside, and a soft centre that extends to the jawbone’s root. The dental pulp is found in this core and is composed of odontoblasts, fibroblasts, connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerves. When the decay gets to the softcore, the pulp can occasionally become infected or inflamed, as well as die. To save the tooth and remove the decay, this must be fixed and a root canal is required.

A root canal is a procedure used to eradicate bacteria from an infected tooth’s root canal and stop it from getting worse. Following the extraction of the diseased pulp, the tooth’s interior is meticulously cleaned and disinfected before a filling is inserted to close the opening. This procedure lessens discomfort and stops infections from spreading. This procedure keeps the natural tooth intact.

Benefits of Root Canal Treatment

1. Pain Relief and Elimination of Infection

The quick relief of pain from a broken or infected tooth is one of the main advantages of receiving a root canal. The process successfully removes the source of the infection and pain by extracting the diseased pulp and thoroughly cleaning the inside of the tooth.

2. Maintaining Natural Teeth

Root canal therapy tries to maintain the tooth’s natural structure, as opposed to extraction, which includes extracting the tooth completely. This keeps the neighbouring teeth intact and avoids the need for future, more involved dental procedures.

3. Preventing Additional Dental Problems

Root canal therapy helps stop infection from spreading to other teeth or parts of the mouth by treating the underlying source of the issue. This can greatly lower the likelihood of later experiencing more severe dental problems.

4. Better General Health and Oral Health

For general health, a healthy mouth is necessary, and maintaining good oral health is greatly aided by root canal therapy. This process improves one’s quality of life and creates a healthier smile by removing infections and maintaining natural teeth.

5. Prolonged Cost Reductions

Even though root canal therapy may appear like a big expense at first, it may save money over time. In the long term, root canal therapy can save money by preventing the need for more costly dental procedures like implants or bridges.

  1. . Enhanced Chewing Performance

It can be difficult to chew effectively and comfortably if you have a tooth that is broken or infected. After receiving root canal therapy, your tooth is functional again, so you can resume eating the foods you love without any pain or restrictions.

  1. Enhanced Aesthetics

A root canal procedure can not only restore function to your smile but also make it look better. This process helps to maintain a more aesthetically pleasing smile by protecting natural teeth and avoiding the need for extractions.

  1. Minimally Invasive Procedure

Contrary to popular belief, getting a root canal is a fairly easy and minimally invasive process. The procedure is now quicker and more comfortable than ever, thanks to developments in dental technology and techniques.

  1. Fast and Effective Procedure

A root canal is a quick and effective way to treat dental problems because it can usually be finished in one or two appointments. This makes it possible for you to resume your regular schedule with little difficulty.

Despite its numerous benefits, root canal treatment is often surrounded by myths and misconceptions. It is important to address these misconceptions and educate patients about the positive aspects of this procedure.


In summary, there are numerous advantages to receiving a root canal that can significantly enhance both general health and oral health. People can attain optimal oral health and make educated decisions about their dental care by being aware of the benefits of root canal therapy.

Nonetheless, selecting a dentist with experience and skill is essential. If one is looking for a root canal or the best dental implant clinic in Gurgaon, one may visit AK Global Dent. The skilled dentists at the clinic guarantee that the process is carried out accurately and quickly, optimizing the patient’s advantages and results.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Top Frequently Asked Questions on Hair Transplantation Answered

A hair transplant is a major decision for anyone, and several questions come to mind before you opt for it. People look for answers online, but the internet is full of unverified facts and myths about hair transplants. Getting the correct answers to your questions regarding hair transplants might be tricky. Here, we have attempted to answer the questions that are most frequently asked before opting for a hair transplant. 

This article will answer the most frequently asked questions on hair transplants. To prepare this post and to make it more informative for readers, we took insights from an expert in hair restoration treatments, Dr. Urvashi Chandra. She is a famous hair transplant doctor at Chandra Clinic, the best hair transplant clinic in Delhi. So, let's delve deeper more about hair transplants.

Question 1. Who is the Best Candidate For a Hair Transplant? 

Answer: A hair transplant is one of the most effective ways to regain the natural look and hairline. A suitable candidate for a hair transplant surgery is someone who has healthy hair growth in the donor area, i.e. the back side of the scalp. Moreover, men and women suffering from baldness or thinning hair undergo hair transplants to cure hair loss. Anyone experiencing hair loss from scarring or scalp injuries or anyone who has previously undergone a hair transplant but has not received the desired results can undergo this procedure. 

Question 2: Do Hair Transplants Work? 

Answer: The transplanted hair is taken from one body area (donor site) and transferred to another (recipient site). The transplanted hair maintains its characteristics, i.e. growth rate and color after transplantation. 

Question 3: Is a Hair Transplant Procedure Permanent? 

Answer: This is the most common query about a hair transplant. During a hair transplant surgery, the surgeon extracts hair follicles from one area and transfers them to another location where there is balding. The transplanted hair is resistant to the hormone that boosted the previous hair fall; hence, it will not cease to grow. In this way, the transplant is permanent. While the results vary from person to person, the results are expected to last for a long time. 

Is the thought of undergoing a hair transplant crossing your mind?  Seek the help of an expert hair transplant doctor. You can meet Dr. Urvashi Chandra, the prominent hair transplant doctor in Delhi at Chandra Clinic. She will determine the condition of your scalp and will recommend the most suitable hair transplant procedure. 


Question 4: Is Hair Transplant Considered a Safe Procedure? 

Answer: As long as the medical professional performing the procedure is skilled and trained, hair transplant surgery is a safe procedure. The only negative of such a procedure is its varying results in individuals. It also depends on how the individual’s body responds. Like any other type of surgery, a hair transplant could also have adverse reactions. The patient might feel some swelling at the transplant site for some time, but that will go away through medications. However, hair transplants have a high success rate worldwide, making them safe for most patients. 

Question 5: How Long is the Recovery From a Hair Transplant? 

Answer: Full recovery from a hair transplant will take 7-14 days. Depending on the type of surgery, FUE requires a shorter recovery than FUT surgery. The patient can return to regular activities in 2-3 days. If your workplace is dusty or unclean, or you cannot wear a hat, your return to work may take longer than the typical 7–14 days. 

Question 6: How Long Does a Procedure Take? 

Answer: The time of a hair transplant will depend upon the area of baldness and the grafts needed for that region. Small sessions where 1,300 grafts are being grafted can take about 3.5 hours. However, 2,000 grafts take at least 4-5 hours. It is often advised to go for a smaller number of grafts per session so that no reaction or risks take place and the surgery goes smoothly without any pain for the patient. 

Question 7: Can Aged People Undergo Surgery? 

Answer: Yes, hair transplants work well for aged patients. There is no restricted age bar, and even youngsters can undergo the treatment, depending on the urgency. When an individual is as young as 21, chances are that the actual hair loss pattern has not even taken its natural place and is unpredictable. Similarly, in a balding person in his 50s, the pattern is identifiable, making them a good candidate for the surgery. 

Question 8: Does Transplanted Hair Look Natural? 

Yes, the transplanted hair looks 100% natural if performed by a trained and experienced hair transplant doctor. Trained doctors usually perform a hair transplant from start to end. The doctors ensure that the transplanted hair is undetectable and grows naturally. It is also impossible to notice a difference between natural and transplanted hair once they achieve natural growth. Therefore, to achieve natural-looking results, it is vital that the hair transplant must be performed by a skilled doctor and not untrained technicians. 

Question 9: What is the Cost of a Hair Transplant? 

Answer: A hair transplant can be expensive, like any other cosmetic surgery. Whenever you spend your hard-earned money on this procedure, you must ensure that the clinic does not take any shortcuts as it can impact the overall results of the procedure. You can also consider other factors such as who performs the surgery, artistic skills, the surgeon's experience, the number of grafts needed to get the desired results, etc. 

Question 10: How Do I Find the Right Surgeon For a Hair Transplant?

Answer: No matter what the surgery is, you always want the best to happen for you. To achieve effective results from a hair transplant, choosing the right surgeon who is skilled and offers precise results is important. If you are in Delhi, you can seek the help of Dr. Urvashi Chandra, an expert and experienced hair transplant surgeon. 

Consult An Expert Hair Transplant Doctor- Dr. Urvashi Chandra 

With more than 18 years of experience, the expert doctor has rightfully reached the position of the best hair transplant surgeon. She is also a member of the Association of Hair Restoration Surgeons India. She specializes in performing BIO-IPT hair transplants, female hair transplants, body hair transplants and unshaven hair transplants at the clinic. For performing BIO-IPT hair transplants she uses special implanter pens that are imported directly from the USA. It has a high graft survival rate and provides 100% natural results. 

For more details on hair transplants or their costs, visit Chandra Clinic today. Hair transplant cost in Delhi vary from person to person and depend on factors such as the type of procedure performed, the number of grafts needed, etc. At Chandra Clinic, BIO-IPT will cost Rs. 60-80 per graft, FUE will cost Rs. 40-60 per graft, and FUT will cost Rs. 30-50 per graft. 

Consult her for more details!

Thursday, February 22, 2024

How to Remove Tobacco Stains From Your Teeth?

Do you smoke, or do you know someone who smokes regularly? If yes, then you probably know that cigarettes can cause severe damage to the teeth. Yellowing or browning of teeth is a common side effect of smoking. This happens because tobacco consists of chemicals that cause stained teeth over time. Fortunately, several procedures can help lighten or instantly remove tobacco stains from your teeth!

If you are looking for a way to remove the teeth stains, then in this comprehensive guide, we will discuss how cleaning stained teeth can make your smile brighter. To draft this guide, we took insights from the expert at AK Global Dent, renowned for offering the best teeth whitening treatment in Gurgaon. Let’s begin by discussing what causes tobacco stains on teeth.

What Causes Tobacco Stains on the Teeth?

Chewing tobacco products, cigars, and cigarettes, all contain chemicals that can stain teeth. Tar and nicotine are the main ingredients that cause these stains.

  • Tar is the substance that turns your teeth yellow; it is dark in color and easily identifiable. Tar is also a substance found on roads that causes them to be black.
  • Nicotine is the chemical responsible for tobacco addiction. It has been used as an insecticide (a pesticide that kills insects) for centuries. It is an odorless and colorless chemical compound found in tobacco leaves. When it enters your body through cigarettes or chewing tobacco products, it can cause nicotine stains on your teeth and other more serious dental problems.
    Tobacco and tobacco smoke contain both substances, which is why nicotine stains develop on your teeth over time!
    What are the Effects of Tobacco Stains on the Teeth?

The effects of tobacco on the teeth can be serious. They not only make the teeth look less appealing, but they can also lead to severe dental concerns such as:

  • Tobacco stains cause the teeth’ enamel (hard outer layer) to wear away. This also exposes dentin, which is a soft layer of the teeth underneath the enamel. As the dentin begins to show through, the teeth appear more yellow.
  • These stains lead to gum diseases. This is because the chemicals present in tobacco smoke irritate and damage the gums. Gum disease refers to a serious condition that leads to tooth loss if not treated properly.
    Are you having tobacco stains on your teeth? Seek help from the dental experts at AK Global Dent, the best dental clinic in Gurgaon. They will suggest ways to get rid of tobacco stains from the teeth.

How Can I Remove Tobacco Stains From the Teeth?

Stains on the teeth can be difficult to remove sometimes. But there are ways through which you can lighten yellow stains from the teeth instantly. There are some methods you can use at home if you want to achieve results without waiting. These methods include:

1. Good Oral Hygiene
The best and easiest way is to use a toothbrush and toothpaste. The tobacco stains will start to fade if you follow a dental care routine that includes cleaning the teeth twice daily for at least two minutes using toothpaste. Ensure you rinse your mouth thoroughly to remove any remaining debris particles before brushing. Also, visit the dentist every six months for regular dental cleanings.

2. Baking Soda
Another method to remove teeth stains is using baking soda and water. Mix one spoon of baking soda with eight ounces of water for two minutes. Rinse your mouth with that water.

3. Whitening Teeth and Mouthwash
Over-the-counter products such as whitening toothpaste and mouthwash also help with tooth discoloration. These products often contain hydrogen peroxide and sodium hypochlorite, which help remove staining on teeth caused due to cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, etc.

4. Long-Term Solution
If you are looking for a long-term solution for eliminating tobacco stains from tooth enamel, consider visiting a dental expert for a professional teeth whitening treatment. Professional treatments can lighten the appearance of even severe tobacco stains. These treatments are most effective in removing stains from the teeth, and they are the only option to get rid of tooth staining instantly.

5. Take-Home Kit
Consider purchasing a take-home teeth whitening kit if you want something less invasive. You will be given custom trays that will fit over the teeth. It comes with a professional-strength whitening gel inside it. Whiten for about 30 minutes for two weeks, and you will see a major difference in the color of the teeth. The results of a take-home kit also vary, but most individuals see results that last for at least a year if maintained properly.

6 In-House Bleaching
In-house bleaching refers to a teeth whitening procedure that is done at the dental clinic. It involves applying a protective covering to protect the gums from the whitening solution. After that, a hydrogen peroxide solution is applied to the teeth for 30 minutes. This procedure helps lighten surface stains by up to six shades per visit.

Final Takeaway
Smoking can cause yellowing of the teeth over time. It could also lead to brown spots in the enamel. If you are dealing with this, there is nothing to fear, as there are several ways to help reduce discoloration and restore the whiteness of the teeth, which we just discussed above. However, the best way to whiten the teeth is by consulting a renowned dental expert who offers the best teeth whitening treatment.

One can consult the dental experts at AK Global Dent, the best dental clinic in Gurgaon to avail the benefits of teeth whitening treatment. The dental experts at the clinic make adjustments to the whitening procedure and ensure that the teeth match the exact shade of white and achieve the desired smile.

For more details on teeth whitening treatment, visit AK Global Dent today! Book an appointment now.

Friday, February 9, 2024

Dental Implants Aftercare Tips

Dental implants are a common restorative choice for patients who have lost teeth or require tooth extractions. Patients who receive dental implant treatment can enjoy a lifetime of good oral health because the replacement tooth feels, looks, and functions just like natural teeth. We have developed a thorough guide to dental implant care to make sure your restoration lasts and to help extend its lifespan.

To make this post enriching, we have gathered insights from the dental expert, Dr. Aneesh Katyal at AK Global Dent, renowned as the best dental implants clinic in Gurgaon. Continue reading to learn more.

Tips to Follow Immediately After the Procedure

The patient is undoubtedly curious about what kind of aftercare one should do for their dental implants right after the procedure. One will probably feel some pain and swelling for the first 24 hours following dental implant surgery. Follow the following instructions after the procedure:

  • Keep the head up and try not to move around too much for the first 8 to 12 hours after surgery.
  • When necessary, apply an ice pack to the face every 15 minutes.
  • For the first 24 hours, limit the intake to soft foods and drinks.
  • Follow the doctor’s instructions and take the prescribed medications.
  • Do not rinse the mouth during the first 24 hours.

Brush Teeth Twice a Day

Brushing twice a day is one of the best ways to keep dental implants looking good. Make sure to use toothpaste designed especially for implants and a toothbrush with soft bristles when cleaning the teeth. Always remember to brush the teeth’s chewing surfaces, gum lines, tops, and sides.

Floss Twice a Day

Do not forget to floss after brushing. Go between the abutments and the teeth. Abutments are the connecting elements that affix the dental prosthesis to the implant. An oral irrigator, sometimes referred to as a water flosser, might be useful for you.

Use a Mouth Rinse

Mouthwashes with antimicrobial ingredients can aid in preventing the growth of bacteria. These mouthwashes have the ability to lower the risk of implant infection. If one is not sure if a mouth rinse is right for them, they can consult with their dentist.

Use a mouthwash with antiseptic ingredients made especially for dental implants. Be sure to thoroughly clean every part of the mouth, including the implant site, by swishing the mouthwash around for 30 to 60 seconds. After using mouthwash, spit it out and wash the mouth with simple water.

Quit Smoking

Since smoking inhibits the body’s natural healing processes, it may be harmful to one’s recovery from dental implants. We therefore strongly advise patients to give up smoking both prior to and right after receiving dental implants. However, quitting tobacco products completely is the best way to guarantee the best long-term outcomes.

Exercise Caution when Following a Diet

One of the best things about having dental implants is that a person does not have to change their lifestyle much and can eat and drink almost anything they want. On the other hand, we advise waiting a little while to consume the tea and coffee. Avoid extremely hard foods, such as raw veggies. Additionally, stay away from chewing gum and taffy.

Avoid Hard or Sticky Foods

Eating foods that are sticky or hard can harm the implants. In addition, these foods have the potential to harm teeth on the opposite side. After receiving implants, one should stay away from the following foods:

  • Ice
  • Caramel
  • Dried fruit
  • Hard candies
  • Potato chips
  • Carrots
  • Apples
  • Steak
  • Crusty bread, such as French bread

Schedule Routine Dental Visits

The most important thing to remember is to make sure that the patient visits their dentist frequently. Regular cleanings are beneficial to dental implants just like they are to one’s natural teeth. In addition to the dentist’s ability to spot early indications of implant failure and possibly take prompt action, they will carefully scrape away any plaque that has accumulated around one’s gums. This lowers the risk of implant infection considerably.


Dental implants might seem like a desirable option if a person has lost teeth because they provide a long-lasting restoration. Maintaining good oral health and hygiene is one of the best ways to guarantee the longevity of the implants.

If looking for the best dentist in Gurgaon, one can visit AK Global Dent to consult Dr. Aneesh Katyal. The expert orthodontists at the clinic provide customized treatment plans for every patient. Additional dental procedures including root canal therapy, gum disease treatment, dental implants, and many more are available at the clinic. Visit AK Global Dent Clinic today for further information.